Main > The Round Table

My heraldry progress

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Sir Wolf:
  ahhhhhhhhhhh its the chathulu heraldry

very impressive sir Edward. very nice indeed.

Sir Edward:

Well, I have a dragon that might work for the crest. Sir Brian suggested it to me, and it got here yesterday.

I don't have anything ready for mounting it... I'll probably try to attach it to a piece of plywood, paint it up in my colors, and mount it with the fabric mantle hiding the plywood base. We'll see how it works out.

(click for zoom)

Sir Brian:
Wow! That did work out quite well didn't? Just the right size and
with a great posture.

Rosemary helped me put the finishing touches on the ends of my torse.
I wanted to do something about hiding the knots that kept the two pieces
of the torse joined.

What do you all think?

Sir Edward:

That looks pretty good. It looks like you have some gold edging on those pieces, that's a nice accent. I've been trying to think about what to do with mine when I get to that stage too. I like the idea of having "tails" of some kind, and I may try to make the mantle hang down a good ways too.

Can't wait to wow the crowds at faire this year. :)

Sir Brian:
I used some of the leftover material that I made the torse with and wanted a ragged edge or frayed
appearance on the edges, thing is that particular material frays very easily but doesn't STOP fraying!
So I used gold metallic thread to hopefully stop if from fraying too much.

Oh and here is a link for you.

Why do you need decal paper you ask? - For your Ailettes of course! You can't just have them
painted you know! They were small replicas of the CoA, including the charges!  ;)

~ Ah the devil is in the details! :D


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