I'll be honest, I don't like it. I *want* to like it. I think Valiant is showing potential to do decent products at a very reasonable price... but they're trying to tackle historical without really understanding what "historical" means.
This sword in particular seems to have elements of different cultures and time periods smashed together into something that perhaps is plausible, but looks really funny to anyone who's studied a lot of antiques. It isn't terribly out of the question, and the general lines and shaping are pretty good (which is why I say I want to like it), but ultimately it just looks wrong to me. *shrug*
On the flip side, I think its leaps and bounds better than much of the other swords out there on the market. You could do a whole lot worse than this. I just hope that Valiant steps up their research department, because they clearly have the capability, and I think this sword is heading the right direction.