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Kits on a budget

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Sir Robert:
Thanks for the names, but they don't sound right either, I think the guy I am talking about is from Ontario.

Anyway onto other things. I am thinking still about that fluting press, I made a prototype but its not stong enough to do what I want yet, wish I lived near a salvage yard...Anyway I think it will work if I can find the right parts, then this will make cold fluting easy. Now the one I did build works well with a forge, and that is ok but not quite want I was looking for.

So while I'm thinking of it, anyone have things that they are fairly good at fabricating? So far breast and backplates seem to be my favorite followed by Spaulders, not as good with cops and helmets, anyone care to share experiences here?

Sir Robert:
Well its been some time since my last posting, its been a very busy month or so for me and I wish it were all because of making a new harness or something, but that’s not the case.

So I have been working on repairs and contemplating disassembling my harness for painting or powder coating, I just can’t bring myself to do it yet because as much as I like color I still like the raw metal surface and don’t look forward to masking all the detailed etching work I have done…

I have added new plates to my patroons, and have forged out an articulated gorget that fits into my harness, I made a really nice etched one as well with the Gondor Tree and “Tower Guard of the Kind” etched in Elvish below, unfortunately I’m not sure if I will complete it as a gorget as it is larger than my harness will allow.

I have also just completed the roughing of a great helm, not exactly happy with it yet, but I have yet to finish it with brass accents or its crest so maybe it will get better as I finish it.

I just viewed the pourpoint described by Sir Brian, so now I will contemplate creating one of them as well, it hast to be far more comfortable than suspenders. (Thanks Sir Brian)

So with that all being said, I am contemplating my next project with no great news to share yet, hope all of you are well and in good health.

Sir Matthew:
Glad to see I am not the only one getting busy with off season projects.  I have gathered almost all the material to complete the 16th Century Quilted armor I am going to make.  All I need yet is the thread to sew it with.  I am hoping to begin work this weekend, providing I can get to my parents house to use mother's sewing machine.  The weekend snowstorm prevented that from happening this past weekend.  I hope that this does not upset my timetable too much.

Sir Robert:
I read about your project along with sir Brian's Pourpoint, I am thinking about making one myself but am thinking mostly about the material- linen or cotton would be most "accurate" but I am thinking about something more like a sport Jersey, you know the fabric with holes in it....its far from accurate but is strong and light as well as would help it breath. I am thinking about August and September mostly, and the padded type would be better in October, and more accurate. I have just completed my 3/4 arms, I actually reused what originally were to be knee cops but actually were sized better for elbows, not fully happy with the lames yet, I think I need to ad a couple more....I may have made them a tad longer as well but I can cut them down if I am going to use a Pourpoint.

I completed my great helm, it looks OK, but it needs the brass accents added still, I have to find some 1/8" soft brass rivets...oh well I have lots of time. I also have to make another for a fellow knight, (its always 2 of everything).

I almost forgot, I also forged out a hand axe, something that Sir Brian had said to me the last day of the PA Faire, he wanted one that looked like one actually used in battle rather than a fantasy design, so simple and purposeful, I also remember a patron dressed as a Monk and carrying a French war-hammer, actually a cavalry war-hammer the as he termed it was a French Can opener, he said this in a fake French accent kind of like the Monty Python castle skit, so I made one with an axe on one side and a armor piercing spike on the other from a museum picture of a hand axe from around 1270.

You know I really have to start posting pictures of all this stuff…I do still need to make the “frog” for the axe so it can be carried and peace tied, but again there is lots of time.

So glad to hear your keeping busy as well, I am looking forward to a spring faire I hope, I believe there may be one in April in Virginia (maybe) I just haven’t looked recently. As a note in that direction, the Wicked Faire is coming up very soon (NJ) but as its at two separate hotels this year I didn’t plan on attending, too bad because it would be nice to see some of you fellows again.


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