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Kits on a budget

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Sir Robert:
In todays age we are all on a budget, and in my off-season, which is way too long, I become an armorer and build a set or three of plate armor. But as crazy as that may be I don't make chain mail as its far too time consuming. However I hope to share here how to buy or make your kit on budget.

First my chain was far to heavy- steel is nice looking but hard to wear all day, and unless your in combat its overkill. So I went to aluminum chain, at about 20% of the weight is quite a savings.

But its very pricey- looking around I found a 3/4 sleeve shirt for $100. So I bought two- one for a friend and mine. This worked quite well BUT the aluminum links are soft and I hat lots of tearing issues- my friend had fewer but for two reasons- he is a bit lighter build, and we found that may platemat was biding on some of the links. This was butted chain.

I since bought riveted aluminum chain, another pricey think- selling most places over $500 a shirt, but I got mine for $180, and its very nice, 3/4 sleeve.

So if your in the market- try for great prices on the chainmail, gauntlets, and coifs.

Sir James (Fiat Lux):
I was taken a little aback when I first heard that ThinkGeek was selling chain. Glad to hear that it's decent stuff. Most of the stuff I see online is more for show, and aluminum would certainly qualify as that. When it comes to longer-term pieces, I've acutally found that some folks in the SCA have some nice kits. When the time comes to change personæ, they tend to sell their stuff cheap. Check out

Sir Robert:
Kits are going to be a function of what your purpose is more than anything. If your into SCA combat, well plastics and padding are far better than chainmail and finest plate, but I would agree they lack in looks.

I have harness made out of 12 gauge 5086 Aluminum, cold hardened, short of a sledge hammer you can't dent it, and its light. But it still can transfer the force of some blows, where plastics deaden the force. I however don't use it in combat, but rather wear it as garb with chain mail and padding. I have made three of these sets, one heavilly etched, one painted, and one anodized. So it really depens on use -so I agree with Sir James here. I would say that there is no combat worthy aluminum chain (unless you can get a 2000 or 7000 series alloy- good luck), but if light you want and money is not an issue- there are very fine stainless steel offerings and a some titanium as well.

If your lot going to use it in active combat though- aluminum is quite nice, and I will share some techniques and pictures on design, forging, anodizing, and etching to create great pieces- combat ready or for show it up to you.

Sir Blackwolf:
Good Sirs,

Indeed form must follow function. As both my Ladywife Dame Dagrny and I perform with live steel, all of our harness is real steel. My plate harness totals some 80lbs in weight while her chainmaile plus helm, shield and weapons is easily over 50lbs. We both tend to spend entire days at the Faires and Events we conduct in harness. One of the more rewarding and enjoyable things we do is march in parades. The ability to do this comes from physical conditioning; we train in what we fight. In fact part of the demonstration is where I perform pushups, jumping jacks and run about the audience, which of course is just great fun to watch their faces!

As to where we obtain our arms, we cheat of course! We sell what we use and we are fortunate to be dealers for several excellent sources. These may be found at and
For images of the House of Blackwolf in action pray see

I am at your service,
Sir Blackwolf

Sir Edward:

Actually I've been pretty pleased with what I've seen from ThinkGeek. It's the most cost effective way to get started with a renfaire garb kit. Obviously aluminum is not functional as armor and is not historical, but it actually looks decent and is inexpensive.


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