I find it to be odd how many HEMA practitioners and fans discount the historicity or the martial prowess of Buhurt, HMB, ACL, and BoTN fighters. There are a surprisingly large amount of these guys who's entire livelihoods revolve around medieval combat, and while not all of the methods of combat can or will be direct analogues to harnesfechten due to the fact that you aren't allowed to stab people in the eyeballs during tournaments anymore, these men and women devote an almost slavish amount of time to their physical fitness, mixed martial arts skills, their parries and attacks, etc. They accept a crushingly brutal level of punishment in regards to modern sports on par with other extreme combat sports like MMA. It is most certainly a martial art, just as much as something more trivial and less damaging like Karate is considered a martial art. There are clear and defined techniques and styles, there are a set of rules and regulation regarding its use in sport, there are real world applications for the techniques used, I mean it has every single marker of a martial art.