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Author Topic: Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?  (Read 27254 times)

Sir Rodney

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Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?
« on: 2016-02-05, 05:03:15 »
Santa brought us a PS4 for Christmas and it came bundled with Star Wars: Battlefront.  I've never played a shooter before, concentrating on strategy games mostly.

Does anyone have this game?  Any input for a complete noob?  I seem to be cannon fodder for all the 12 -year-olds out there with itchy trigger fingers...
"Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history." - Roger the Shrubber

Sir Douglas

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?
« Reply #1 on: 2016-02-05, 06:24:51 »
I seem to be cannon fodder for all the 12 -year-olds out there with itchy trigger fingers...

From what I understand, that's pretty much what happens in all online, multiplayer shooters these days...which is why I tend to avoid online, multiplayer shooters these days. ;)
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Sir William

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?
« Reply #2 on: 2016-02-05, 14:40:56 »
I learned my lesson with Counterstrike online on the PC; little buggers were just too much, they played all damn day and you could tell.  Frustrating.  You want to beat them?  Get one of your sons on it- its the twitchy reflexes that you need that we no longer have at our age.  :)

If you want a good shooter with offline aspects, a good storyline and relatively short campaign, any of the Call of Duty titles will do the trick.  Ghosts was ok, Advanced Warfare had a more engaging story (might be because Kevin Spacey figured heavily in it) and Black Ops 3 had a good twist to it.  Plus, you play as a rocked up soldier/specialist and unlike previous titles, you get to stick with your protagonist as opposed to switching bodies/teams (previous titles had you serving with different agencies as different soldiers, was a bit disjointed imo).  Want something with a little more depth and drama, I'd go with Battlefield: Hardline.  The Battlefield series on the whole was initially developed as competition with CoD and Medal of Honor; with Hardline they went a slightly different route and made it into a police crime drama.  For my part, it made it much more interesting to play as there's more of a story and the voice acting is excellent.  Prior to this entry, the Battlefield series was about being explosive, with set-piece action elements and gorgeous visuals.  Battlefield 4 is the culmination of that mindset- its a beautiful game, like playing through an installment of the Expendables movie series, heavy on action and light (in this case ultra light) on story.  In fact, I couldn't remember why I was even doing what I was doing but hey, blow up bad guys with awesome weapons and vehicles.  Of them all, Call of Duty does that the best but its always worthwhile to have a go at the other ones too.

Congrats on the new PS4...I'm still debating on whether or not to upgrade my PS3 but I only use it for PS exclusives that I like (Gran Turismo mostly) and as a blu-ray player.  I have the XB1 and love it.
« Last Edit: 2016-02-05, 14:42:56 by Sir William »
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Sir Martyn

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?
« Reply #3 on: 2016-02-07, 20:10:23 »
I have it (XB1) and have to say while there are differences from the old Pandemic BF1 and 2 it's pretty cool, the art/settings are just amazing and we all enjoy it, including my daughters.  Would welcome jumping on there with a forum group 😀
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Sir Douglas

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?
« Reply #4 on: 2016-02-08, 01:06:07 »
Sharing as it's relevant to the topic, even if the guy's usually just snarky for the sake of snark. :)

I've not played it myself (the lack of significant single-player being one of the primary reasons), but from what gameplay I've seen, it certainly looks and sounds like it was ripped right out of the movies. I'd give it a 10/10 in that department at least. But until/if they release a complete edition with the game and all the DLC bundled together for one low price, I'm happy enough with Battlefront II and a hearty collection of mods. ;)
Per pale azure and argent, an eagle displayed per pale argent and sable, armed and langued or.

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Sir Rodney

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?
« Reply #5 on: 2016-02-11, 05:51:26 »
I have it (XB1) and have to say while there are differences from the old Pandemic BF1 and 2 it's pretty cool, the art/settings are just amazing and we all enjoy it, including my daughters.  Would welcome jumping on there with a forum group 😀

If you're playing it on XB1, can we play together if I'm on a PS4?
"Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history." - Roger the Shrubber

Sir Ulrich

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?
« Reply #6 on: 2016-02-11, 06:18:24 »
I got it on PS4 but I dun got playstation plus to play it online. Might have to get that but eh too lazy to...

Sir Wolf

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?
« Reply #7 on: 2016-02-11, 12:40:36 »
hah grandma santa got us the same package.

i dont play it but my kids do. i don't hook them up to online so they fight each other or whatever.

can't be of any help here. only thing i have played is the 4 player monopoly pack we got.

Sir Nate

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?
« Reply #8 on: 2016-02-15, 17:04:12 »
Its fun, for the first week or so, but they really need start having some variety. Dice says they are listening to the fans, yet they have not made space battles yet. or brought in the clone wars.
Nathan Phillip Max
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Sir Rodney

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?
« Reply #9 on: 2016-02-15, 18:29:56 »
Its fun, for the first week or so, but they really need start having some variety. Dice says they are listening to the fans, yet they have not made space battles yet. or brought in the clone wars.

Agreed.  I'm level 24 (nearly 25) now and I'm just starting to "get it".  Slow learner, I know.

I'm loving the "walker assault" battles currently.  Anytime I get to pilot an AT-ST and eliminate rebel scum makes me feel happy inside. ;)

My gamer tag is, not surprisingly, Lord_Rodney_777 although I haven't figured out the headset, friends, or joining party thing yet. 
"Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history." - Roger the Shrubber

Sir Douglas

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?
« Reply #10 on: 2016-02-16, 05:50:15 »
Its fun, for the first week or so, but they really need start having some variety. Dice says they are listening to the fans, yet they have not made space battles yet. or brought in the clone wars.

I blame EA. ;) I doubt they'll add Clone Wars era into the current game. It'll come out next year as a standalone sequel.

Heh, I'm joking about that, but watch it end up being true.
Per pale azure and argent, an eagle displayed per pale argent and sable, armed and langued or.

So a Norman, a Saxon, and a Viking walk into England....

Sir Martyn

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?
« Reply #11 on: 2016-02-19, 03:56:04 »
I don't think xb1 and PS4 can cross play :( the whole in game vs party chat - for xb1 anyway, is still cumbersome
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Sir Rodney

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?
« Reply #12 on: 2016-02-21, 05:11:44 »
... although I haven't figured out the headset, friends, or joining party thing yet.

I had my 5th grade son teach me how to do it this week.   ::)

The best I've been able to do is 17 kills in a mission.  Who are these people racking up 30 - 40 kills in one mission?!  I can only play 60 minutes before I'm a nervous wreck.   :o
"Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history." - Roger the Shrubber

Sir Rodney

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?
« Reply #13 on: 2016-08-01, 03:23:46 »
Still going strong on this one.   ::)

I've figured out that I'm a sniper who can camp out well and pick off people that aren't paying attention.

A "run 'n gun" guy I'm not.  I'm able to hold my own, dying as many times as I take people out, but that's about it.   :o

Old guys are made for sniping it seems...
"Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history." - Roger the Shrubber

Sir Nate

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Re: Star Wars: Battlefront - Opinions?
« Reply #14 on: 2016-08-31, 18:40:39 »
Still going strong on this one.   ::)

I've figured out that I'm a sniper who can camp out well and pick off people that aren't paying attention.

A "run 'n gun" guy I'm not.  I'm able to hold my own, dying as many times as I take people out, but that's about it.   :o

Old guys are made for sniping it seems...

I'm more of shoot the people with my giant machine gun at the glowing point place kind of guy myself.
« Last Edit: 2016-08-31, 18:41:29 by Naythan »
Nathan Phillip Max
Knight of the Order
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