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Looking to build a Knight kit

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir_Edward_ReBrook on 2015-10-18, 02:09:40 ---On a similar note, would anyone be able to give me some guidance on what time of knight is in the Westminster Psalter miniature?

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(EDIT: I missed that Sir Ian did answer this already, oops)

Before it gets lost-- The image is from roughly 1250 (mid 13th century). I think the Westminster Psalter is mostly earlier, from around 1200, but some of those images were added later, in the middle of the century.

The Maciejowski Bible is from around that time as well, which can also give some images of knights from that period.

However you can take this general image of knights in mail and long surcoats and shift it later, toward 1300 or maybe even 1320-ish depending on the style of great helm and other accessories.

Once you start getting into plate armor, you're looking at late 14th century or later.


--- Quote from: Sir_Edward_ReBrook on 2015-10-19, 04:38:41 ---Sir Ian:

The advice is much appreciated. Yes, I'm fearful that this will definitely become a lifelong obsession on which I spend shocking amounts of capital. But it's healthier than most expensive habits, I suppose. What is your favorite period for armour, functionally and aesthetically, from the Middle Ages? That, I'm certain could be a thread.


Edward, GOTJ

P.S. - I just ordered The Chevalier sword from Albion. It's my first sword nicer than a Windlas, so I'm excited.

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Congratulations on the Albion Chevalier!  As you probably saw on Albion's website, it's inspired directly from the image of the kneeling knight in the Westminster Psalter :)  It's a gorgeous sword.  I think you will find it very much to your liking when it arrives.

Yes, this is most definitely prone to becoming a lifelong obsession on which one spends shocking amounts of capital :)  My personal favorite armor is the late 14th and early 15th century plate harness of England.  I love the houndskull bascinet, and English style harness from the 1380s through Agincourt in 1415.  Not only do I like the aesthetic of the armor, but I love the contextual period in history as well, coming off the death of the Black Prince through the reign of Henry V, it was a very interesting time in the Hundred Years War.  My kit in its current iteration is probably close to 5 years in the making now, and its finally in a spot where I'm mostly happy with it and the historical concessions I'm making.  But even then I am continuously striving to improve upon it where I can as time, skill and money allow.  This is what it looked like 3 weeks ago at a Living History event in Kentucky:

But as Ed alluded to, with minor differences, from 1066 to about 1250 you're basically looking at an all mail harness, with differences like length of hauberk skirt and sleeves, introduction of mail chausses and the individual types of chausses.  Then in about 1250 we see the earliest coat of plates,  so the beginning of plate supplementation.  Then around the end of the 13th century and into the 14th century individual plate pieces (like schynbalds (protection from the shin), vambraces, rondels) start to supplement the mail harness.  By the mid 14th century plate is really taking off, and by the end of the century it's pretty much in the configuration you see in my kit.  It just continues to develop and eventually diverges in the 15th century into predominantly German and Italian styles, although there was a unique English style that is starting to be addressed thanks to the research that went into a new book coming out by Dr. Toby Capwell. 


Thank you for the information. Sir Ian, you look nothing short of phenomenal. It's intimidating and beautiful in both construction and, from what I can tell, fit.

I've narrowed down my harness ideas to two choices, both of which I will pursue, but one sooner than the other. I've reached out two two mail vendords in the hopes of acquiring well fitted mail similar to the Westminister Psalter. This will be my primary harness, which I intent to wear with a custom long surcoat. I also want to aquire plain Renaissance Tournament Armour (perhaps a half suit) similar to that sported by Sir William in a Knight's Tale but more historically accutate in design. I've already reached out to the good folks of Anshelm Arms to inquire about a custom harness - we'll see what they quote me! Incidentally, do you happen to know if the half suit of armour in the picture I've attached would be appropriate for a Renaissance Knight at tournament? It's within my budget, and I imagine I could wear it with a decent jousting helm and look pretty sharp, but I don't want to do so if it would be feux pas or grossly historically inaccurate.


Edward, GOTJ

P.S. Lastly, I am very eager to attend events with you gentlemen, from Renn Faires to combat training. I live next to the Virginia Academy of Fencing, so I'm hoping it's a good place to train. I wish I'd been training on this stuff since age 7. Alas, I have some catching up to do.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir_Edward_ReBrook on 2015-10-19, 20:46:45 ---P.S. Lastly, I am very eager to attend events with you gentlemen, from Renn Faires to combat training. I live next to the Virginia Academy of Fencing, so I'm hoping it's a good place to train. I wish I'd been training on this stuff since age 7. Alas, I have some catching up to do.

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Oh yes, VAF is quite good. It's onbe of the pricier places to train, but the instruction is top notch, as evidenced by how many VAF folks end up taking medals at events such as Longpoint. I was there for about 8 years, and I'm considering signing back up. The main reason I quit was due to increased driving distance, but I'm thinking I might just eat the driving distance and go.

Just wanted to pop in real quick and say I love this Image and I dont think I knew what Manuscript its from, I'm very glad I know now thanks. I love the one after it as well. Pretty sure it came out around the same time (Mid 13th ct)


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