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Looking to build a Knight kit

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I am looking to acquire a better/more accurate knight kit. Ideally, I want something with riveted mail that is appropriate, although I am unsure where to start. I know I love the painting of the kneeling/praying crusader knight, but that's not much of a place to start I suppose. Here is a picture of the illustration I'm referring to: In any case, your thoughts and ideas are appreciated. I have a budget of $3,000.00, including the sword.


Edward ReBrook

If looking to get into a historically appropriate mail harness, I would highly recommend beginning with your base layers and then building from there.

Authentic medieval mail harness was very well tailored to the individual wearing it, especially during the time period you're interested in.  Note details, like how the sleeves of the mail are not baggy, and they taper as the circumference of the arm changes.  The mail hose (chausses) that he's wearing in the Westminster Psalter are of the 'older style' for that particular date (ca.1250).  1250 is a significant date in the history of mail leggings because it is right around mid century that mail seems to go more typically from the 'laced in back' style that your knight is depicted wearing, to the more enclosing 'stocking' style chausses.  The lace in the back version are easier to get a nice clean and tight fit over the leg, but you might consider the other style too if post 1250 is more to your liking.  You're also looking for a hauberk with integrated mail mittens directly into the sleeves, as was most common at this time.

The most important part though, is before any of that mail can be fitted, it really requires that your arming garments are squared away first.  A pair of quilted hose, a quilted gambeson, and a lendenier (girdle for the proper suspension of mail chausses, there are other ways to do this, but a girdle is the most historically defensible) are vital.  They will also dictate the tailoring tolerances of the mail.

The problem with mail, is that virtually all commercially available mail is woefully under-tailored.  To get the real 'historical' look, you either need to find someone willing to tailor it for you, or be willing to do the work yourself.  It's not difficult, it's just time consuming.  If you're ok with some concession in the fit of the mail, there are commercially available pieces from places that will do basic tailoring for you and get you a good portion of the way there.

A lot of this is dependent on how deep down the rabbit hole of authenticity you want to go and how much sanity you're willing to lose going down said hole, but we can get you there if you want :)

Thank you, Sir Ian. I appreciate your thoughts. I think custom mail is definitely the way to go. The same is likely true for my arming garments. Do you (or anyone else) happen to know which vendors, if any, make these things? You are certainly correct in your observation that most, if not all commercially available mail is baggy. Apparently it's all being made for a super chubby knight. Good new for him; not so good news for a 6ft, 160 lb gentleman like myself.

Incidentally, I have a full suit of plate armour, which I attempted to dawn for the very first time today. It was a valiant, but ultimately fruitless effort. Not only was I lacking the assistance of a Squire, but apparently my gambeson is too large to comfortably fit the arm armour over. This leads me back to square one. Hopefully my attempts to build a crusader knight will be more fruitful.

On a similar note, would anyone be able to give me some guidance on what time of knight is in the Westminster Psalter miniature? Also, what would a Teutonic Knight during the campaigns against Lithuania look like? Lastly, what would a knight under Edward IV look like?

I hope my questions aren't took newb and annoying and I appreciate your insight and patience as I learn more. I have some money to spend, but I want to spend it just once, it it's at all possible.


Edward ReBrook, GOTJ

Sir James A:
Those last 3 questions are probably each worthy of their own thread :)

Sir Ulrich:,3576.0.html
The maille I got isnt baggy as hell and has integrated mittens. I recommend this maille as it's cheaper than most other options and every bit as good. I did a review of it here and I highly recommend it. Make sure you email them first for custom sizes and go back and forth. It's both the cheaper option and it comes tailored if you give them measurements, wont have the overly baggy sleeves and will have the integrated mittens which almost all other hauberks lack. I do recommend a custom gambeson fitted to your size before you get the maille. That full set cost me only 490 dollars and it had a coif and chausses so they work fine. They are stocking types but those existed in 1250 so you should be fine.


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