Main > The Armoury

What is your medieval weapon of choice?

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Sir Rodney:
For rebated or rattan combat I prefer the poleaxe.  The reach is nice and you can slash, smash, poke & hook.  Often overlooked is the ability for a close-quarters strike with the butt-spike.

Wow! That sounds like quite the versatile weapon. It's always good to have multiple methods of attack with your weapon.

Sir Douglas:
A trebuchet so I can hurl big rocks at things. ;D

Haha! That would probably be the most entertaining. I have always wanted to see one of those in action.

Sir William:
I do love a good sword, but for myself- a hammer with a wicked back spike and a shield.  No matter which way the head's turned, you can deliver a crushing blow and being able to cherry pick heads with that pointed back spike all from the cover of a shield is a winner for me.


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