Main > The Armoury
What is your medieval weapon of choice?
So, just for fun, if you could fight using any type of medieval weapon, what would it be and why? Would you use a straight-sword and shield for the speed and versatility? Would you use a great sword for the power? A mace for the brutality? A halberd for the reach? I personally would go for a two-handed great sword, just so that the opponent would think twice about trying to block my attack.
Id use either a Messer for the fear factor and the fact that you can nearly slice a man in half with it. That thing is heavy with enough momentum and a sharp blade they are finished (not so good against armor but still)
If not a messer Id use the hammer of lucerine because with that I could slam through someones helm into their skull or use the pick side to do the same to un armored people
Ooh, a hammer! Nice. I hadn't thought of that. That would be intimidating to see flying at you. One solid hit and you're probably done.
Sir Dimitry:
On horse or ground give me a good hefty sabre. Stout enough to remove a limb and not so curved that it has an ineffective thrust.
A saber? Hmm, nice speed, one solid swing and off goes a limb. I could see that. I like it.
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