Hail, Brother Daniel!
Glad belated tidings on your special day.
61 is not, I should think, an old age to be in this day and age, especially if one is young at heart and embraces the joy in the world. As an old mentor of mine used to say;
"Any day above ground is a good one" and I find at my own age (53) this gets more true each year

We are as young as we feel I think and having a noble cause most certainly has helped me in that endeavor.
I am the eldest of three brothers. The younger ones are 6 and 8 years younger than myself, respectively, yet everyone who meets us thinks that I and the youngest one. Why? Well I think its outlook, attitude, the embrace of joy and well...and certain degree of Peter Pan like immaturity as well

Sadly, my brothers do not embrace the gift of life as I have. I certainly wish they would but indeed many folk are uninterested in anything beyond the
'bread and circuses' of the day-to-day world. I wish you well in your quest for Knighthood, Brother Daniel. May it bring you satisfaction, honor and gladness.