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Brother Daniel:
As of today I turned 61. I desire to re dedicate myself to the aspirations of a Knight .
To every part of the code I live by. I desire to be a godly man in thought word and deed.
Ready at any moment to take my stand against those who seek to destroy.

Happy Birthday!

My step-father is to be 61 soon, is a Class B fencer, SCA Raperiest, and Knight in the SCA. His best friend since high school is a class C fencer, does HEMA, teaches fencing at Truckee Meadows Community College, is also a KSCA, and is 62. And that's just the beginning.

I know many "old grey beards". I shall have to find some vid of them fighting & share it.

Brother Daniel:
I would love to see them. My fighting was done in the mountains of New York with a musket. Painted as my ancestors.
To hit and run and hit again. There was no public allowed at these events.

Sir James A:
Happy birthday!

Sir Brian:
Happy Birthday!


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