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Sir Nate:
Happy 61st Birthday!

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2015-04-15, 17:44:17 ---Happy Birthday!

My step-father is to be 61 soon, is a Class B fencer, SCA Raperiest, and Knight in the SCA. His best friend since high school is a class C fencer, does HEMA, teaches fencing at Truckee Meadows Community College, is also a KSCA, and is 62. And that's just the beginning.

I know many "old grey beards". I shall have to find some vid of them fighting & share it.

--- End quote ---
Since I have no Idea how the fencing system works, I have about one years worth of fencing experience. I never went to tournaments. even though I had been valid enough to do so for a few months. I guess I might be a class G fencer.. If you meant sport fencing at least....

Brother Daniel:
 Thank you all.

Aiden of Oreland:
Happy Birthday! (Sorry for the lateness)

Sir Rodney:
Happy Birthday!  As Thorsteinn mentioned, it’s the grey beards that creak and groan as they take the SCA list field that concern me the most.  They’ve forgotten more than I’ve learned.   8)

Although ... it’s a bit frightening to know that some of the kids I’m fighting today weren’t born the first time I put on armour.   :o


--- Quote from: Lord Rodney on 2015-04-16, 02:55:04 ---<snip>Although ... it’s a bit frightening to know that some of the kids I’m fighting today weren’t born the first time I put on armour.   :o

--- End quote ---

Not 3 years ago I did some Choi Li Fut lessons where the assistant instructor was born 4 years after I started training (same girl I once spoke of, ahem, schooling during a lesson).


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