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Which Knightly Virtue Do You Struggle With Most?

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir James A on 2014-11-05, 18:45:23 ---Perseverance is a big one for me too. Sometimes I start things and I

--- End quote ---

I really wanted to click a "like" button on that one. lol :)

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-11-06, 14:11:09 ---
--- Quote from: Sir James A on 2014-11-05, 18:45:23 ---Perseverance is a big one for me too. Sometimes I start things and I

--- End quote ---

I really wanted to click a "like" button on that one. lol :)

--- End quote ---

I'm probably the biggest procrastinator here so perseverance, definitely.

Sir Patrick:
Strength.  There are times when the Code weighs so heavy I just want to just shrug it off and skulk away from the fight.  At the end of those days I have to ask myself,  "Are you a knight, or a just guy in a costume?"  Sometimes I don't like my answer.

Aiden of Oreland:
Franchise would probably be the one I struggle with the most.

Courtesy is the one I struggle with most.

Aside from my disorder, aside from my habit of playing politics with a sledgehammer, and aside from my issue with an SCA principality-level award called La Courtecia, there is just me.

Too often I find courtesy hides truth, right, and justice. I find that an overabundance leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I have also been often told "Thorsteinn, you're a good man, not a nice man, but a good one."


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