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Which Knightly Virtue Do You Struggle With Most?

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Which Knightly Virtue do you struggle with and why?

Sir Edward:

Heh, we used to have threads like this all the time. It's been a while, so it's refreshing to start up some new discussions along these lines.

If we go with a very broad list of virtues (as opposed to one of the "codified" ones out there), I'd say my biggest weakness is Perseverance. I have a bad habit of getting 90% of the way through something (hobby projects, home improvement, whatever), and then grinding to a halt. It's easy to get burnt out on something, but often it also comes down to other things, perhaps of much higher importance, coming along and demanding my time. Once the momentum is lost, it is difficult to regain.

Sir James A:
Perseverance is a big one for me too. Sometimes I start things and I

Sir Nate:
I look down on myself Very much
then Perhaps Franchise.
Perseverance Is tuff for me.

Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Sir James A on 2014-11-05, 18:45:23 ---Perseverance is a big one for me too. Sometimes I start things and I

--- End quote ---


Heh I'd probably cast my vote for Perseverance, too, but I also tend to be a terrible procrastinator, so I'll do it tomorrow.

Seriously, though, I am awful with procrastination. I don't know what virtue that would align with, but there you go.


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