Some interesting recent discussions. I'm glad to see that Chivalry is getting some attention in a few online communities. I do however wish I could see even more. I think I have a tendency to kill conversations, as the first three have garnered no responses after my last post (as of this writing)! Murder of changing view of TruthChivalry-Now: The "Secret" of Knighthood & ChivalryChivalry-Now is perhaps one of the more unique since the forum is devoted to it. On the ArmourArchive, they have a forum section for it, but it's sporadic in use. Most of the conversation there is more SCA specific, but they do have some thought provoking conversations at times.
Otherwise, Chivalry isn't often mentioned on forums that I've seen. This wouldn't necessarily surprise me, except for the fact that I think many people who are drawn to these sorts of hobbies (whether it's collecting swords, historical martial arts, SCA, LARP, etc) have probably to some degree been influenced by the image of the "knight in shining armor". The fact that forums such as this, and interests in knights or Chivalry specifically, are rather scarce does surprise me to a degree. I wonder how much of this is due to not wanting to "preach to the choir", vs. not having anything profound to contribute, vs. disparate opinions and philosophies, vs. a sense of it being archaic and irrelevant.
To the latter, if people consider concepts such as honesty, generosity, courage, and courtesy to be "out dated" and "irrelevant", then I'm not sure I want to live in their reality.

Or perhaps there's more out there than I realize.
Anyway, just some mid-week musings.
