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Author Topic: Virtues  (Read 7323 times)

Lord Chagatai

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« on: 2014-06-27, 20:55:23 »
I would love to get opinions on what virtue list you all use...I have 11


Here is a code I found when searching around that I try toabide by along with the virtues in everyday life:

To fear God and maintain his church. To serve the leige lord in valour and faith. To protect the weak from the wanton giving of offense. To live by honour & for glory. Despise pecuniary reward. Fight for the welfare of all. Obey those placed in authority. Guard the honor of fellow Knights. Eschen unfairness, meaness, & deceit. Keep faith. At all times to speak the truth. Respect the honour of women. Never refuse a challengefrom an equal and remember to never turn your back upon a foe.

Discuss and GO..... :D

Sir Nate

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Re: Virtues
« Reply #1 on: 2014-07-01, 00:24:01 »
Sounds about right.  Although sometimes people need a pecuniary reward, and feel grateful for it. Especially if it is something they worked for.
Nathan Phillip Max
Knight of the Order
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil"