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Author Topic: Epoxy, Broken sword, and Searching  (Read 20849 times)

Sir Nate

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Re: Epoxy, Broken sword, and Searching
« Reply #30 on: 2014-05-22, 19:05:13 »
My plans with a sword is to not to do what I did with my first one. A sword to me is a personal Item that I think a Medievalist should think of getting. One that is at least peened, but meets the right applicant's that can bond with ones soul.
So I would be getting a sword just to have ;)

Eh... I meant less existentially - what are you planning on doing with the broken sword? Keep in mind you could use it as a project to rebuild it into a functional weapon again, if only by cutting down into a shorter sword. All you really need is a bench vise, files, hacksaw & blades, and various grits of sandpaper to do this.

I was even mulling buying the bits off of you just to demonstrate what could be done with this (sort of a "turd to treasure" type of thing), but I've got enough projects at this point and don't need to add to the heap.

Well My step Father has a friend who works in metal. My blade is not a "Rat Tail Tang" Per say, but the part of it that was threaded was rat tail worthy. Overall tho the tang is about only few mm. shorter(width wise) than Say albion. But the steel is all 1095, so it is pretty Brittle. Anyway, his metal worker friend could actually alter the sword to make it peened, alter the guard and base of the blade so they fit better and then I would have to make a new grip.
But then that still leaves me with cheaper quality steel.
Nathan Phillip Max
Knight of the Order
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil"

Chuck G.

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Re: Epoxy, Broken sword, and Searching
« Reply #31 on: 2014-06-06, 04:33:53 »
My plans with a sword is to not to do what I did with my first one. A sword to me is a personal Item that I think a Medievalist should think of getting. One that is at least peened, but meets the right applicant's that can bond with ones soul.
So I would be getting a sword just to have ;)

Eh... I meant less existentially - what are you planning on doing with the broken sword? Keep in mind you could use it as a project to rebuild it into a functional weapon again, if only by cutting down into a shorter sword. All you really need is a bench vise, files, hacksaw & blades, and various grits of sandpaper to do this.

I was even mulling buying the bits off of you just to demonstrate what could be done with this (sort of a "turd to treasure" type of thing), but I've got enough projects at this point and don't need to add to the heap.

Well My step Father has a friend who works in metal. My blade is not a "Rat Tail Tang" Per say, but the part of it that was threaded was rat tail worthy. Overall tho the tang is about only few mm. shorter(width wise) than Say albion. But the steel is all 1095, so it is pretty Brittle. Anyway, his metal worker friend could actually alter the sword to make it peened, alter the guard and base of the blade so they fit better and then I would have to make a new grip.
But then that still leaves me with cheaper quality steel.

I wouldn't say 1095 is brittle, let alone cheap quality. With the higher carbon content it is really better suited for knives. But with the correct heat treating it will make for an excellent sword.

Sir Nate

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Re: Epoxy, Broken sword, and Searching
« Reply #32 on: 2014-06-06, 14:03:27 »
There had been the option of getting it tempered when I looked back after I got the sword. and it doubled the price
Nathan Phillip Max
Knight of the Order
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil"

Sir Nate

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Re: Epoxy, Broken sword, and Searching
« Reply #33 on: 2014-06-06, 14:04:31 »
I could consider one day buying a better version of the same blade. But I would have to make sure it was peened.
Nathan Phillip Max
Knight of the Order
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil"