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Author Topic: Pennsic XLIII  (Read 22297 times)


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Pennsic XLIII
« on: 2014-04-17, 06:53:46 »
From July 25th to August 10th, the 43rd annual SCA's "Pennsic War" is going to be held. A distant family member of mine has offered to get some campground space for me there if I pre-register. I'm not interested in the rattan fighting, but I am really interested in taking some of the artisan classes at the Pennsic University. Many of such classes offer skills that can help build some kits, and it just sounds like a grand old time.

Are any of you guys interested in going to this event?
« Last Edit: 2014-04-17, 06:59:25 by Stanislaw »
"Sword fighting requires heart; if you frighten easily, then you are not to learn to sword fight. The whole art would be lost, because the roar of the impact and the rough strokes make a cowardly heart fearful."
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Re: Pennsic XLIII
« Reply #1 on: 2014-04-17, 20:04:39 »
You can find my group in W13 if I attend. The Order is with SCA East. I can only commit vacation time IF I have it. PU does have much to offer. Check out the college of arts and sciences; college of scribes (heralds). You are missing out with fighting though. Try some of Sir Corbins homemade mead. :p Youll find him in Barony of the Bridge camp.
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Sir Nate

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Re: Pennsic XLIII
« Reply #2 on: 2014-04-18, 22:45:51 »
I really need to get into Sca, Considering Pennsic is right in my home state.
Nathan Phillip Max
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Re: Pennsic XLIII
« Reply #3 on: 2014-04-18, 22:52:12 »
I really need to get into Sca, Considering Pennsic is right in my home state.

You can literally just go get a membership through the website so you can be a card carrying member in order to attend Pennsic if you wanted to.
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Re: Pennsic XLIII
« Reply #4 on: 2014-04-18, 22:55:47 »
I really need to get into Sca, Considering Pennsic is right in my home state.

You can literally just go get a membership through the website so you can be a card carrying member in order to attend Pennsic if you wanted to.
I could, But I still need proper equipment.
that will go hand and hand as I get proper medieval gear.
Nathan Phillip Max
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Re: Pennsic XLIII
« Reply #5 on: 2014-04-18, 23:08:56 »
Cooper's Lake is actually only about an hour or so from me; I've never gone to Pennsic, though. I heard it can be very confusing for a first-timer if you don't know anyone there to show you the ropes.
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Aiden of Oreland

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Re: Pennsic XLIII
« Reply #6 on: 2014-04-19, 03:15:27 »
Man it's a dream of mine to go, but alas, I am but a wee feller who would seek to train in the art of WMA for a year first and some more exercise to prepare my skill and body. Then I need that armor... All I can do is be patient and determined. Unless anyone wants to lend me equipment :)
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Lord Dane

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Re: Pennsic XLIII
« Reply #7 on: 2014-04-19, 04:19:19 »
Hookup with your local SCA combat group some nights; Most meet once a week; Mingle & melee and SCA heavy combat gear is easy to come by and affordable at any price range
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Re: Pennsic XLIII
« Reply #8 on: 2014-04-19, 13:53:56 »
You don't  need to fight if you go to Pennsic.  There's quite literally tons of other stuff to do.  You can watch the wars, eat, see all the merchants, just immerse yourself in it. 
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Aiden of Oreland

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Re: Pennsic XLIII
« Reply #9 on: 2014-04-19, 17:21:50 »
I suppose it doesn't hurt to slowly move into it, that way I know my way around by the time I can fight. I think one of you guys posted how to find out local SCA groups but I honestly forget and don't know how.
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Re: Pennsic XLIII
« Reply #10 on: 2014-04-19, 19:04:06 »
Would love too, heck I-80 even runs through my city, but it's 2300 miles and there is too much mishigas in my life right now to allow it. Perhaps someday.
« Last Edit: 2014-04-19, 23:40:04 by Thorsteinn »
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Re: Pennsic XLIII
« Reply #11 on: 2014-04-19, 19:41:56 »
...how to find out local SCA groups but I honestly forget and don't know how.

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Re: Pennsic XLIII
« Reply #12 on: 2014-04-19, 22:00:17 »
I heard it can be very confusing for a first-timer if you don't know anyone there to show you the ropes.

Yes and no. It helps to have a group to camp with, as you'll probably have a better overall experience than camping in the "singles" areas. But otherwise, you can look at the schedules, find things to go watch or participate in, and go shopping.

The shopping is huge, BTW. We usually spend 2 days just doing that. It's all geared towards SCAdians and re-enactors, so it's not just the typical renfaire sort of shops, though there's a lot of cross-over.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir Nate

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Re: Pennsic XLIII
« Reply #13 on: 2014-04-19, 22:23:04 »
I heard it can be very confusing for a first-timer if you don't know anyone there to show you the ropes.

Yes and no. It helps to have a group to camp with, as you'll probably have a better overall experience than camping in the "singles" areas. But otherwise, you can look at the schedules, find things to go watch or participate in, and go shopping.

The shopping is huge, BTW. We usually spend 2 days just doing that. It's all geared towards SCAdians and re-enactors, so it's not just the typical renfaire sort of shops, though there's a lot of cross-over.

I feel like Sca is that meet in the middle sort of medieval hobby. There is the Renfaire side of Medievalism(lol, I say that as if it were a religion) Then there is Sca, and then there is WMA, Re-enactments.
As far as larp goes, I am Highly Unfamiliar with it or the different kinds or where they fall into the mix.
Neither do I know where groups like the Order of the Marshall fall under nor how common they are.
Enlighten or correct me if I am wrong
Nathan Phillip Max
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Aiden of Oreland

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Re: Pennsic XLIII
« Reply #14 on: 2014-04-19, 23:09:57 »
...how to find out local SCA groups but I honestly forget and don't know how.


Thank you as always Sir Ian.
-"I raise not the sword, but the shield."-Aiden Max