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Author Topic: MD Renaissance Faire moving to a new venue?  (Read 37400 times)

Sir James A

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Re: MD Renaissance Faire moving to a new venue?
« Reply #45 on: 2014-06-11, 22:37:50 »
Looks about 10 miles farther to me... 100 miles vs 90 miles, more or less. And having to go around south-side beltway, which will add a number of stoplights and likely traffic delays. Guess that'll reduce how many times I go.

Boy it would be nice if any event was inside 200 miles for me :)

The only exception is VARF at a measly 147 miles.

Move closer to us. :D

VARF is about 120 miles for me, but at least it's a multi-day event. Point duly noted though!
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Lord Dane

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Re: MD Renaissance Faire moving to a new venue?
« Reply #46 on: 2014-06-12, 03:04:46 »
Boy it would be nice if any event was inside 200 miles for me :)

The only exception is VARF at a measly 147 miles.

Time to invent a teleporter! Oh wait, that would be out of period. ;)

Not for the 'Time Traveler' theme weekend.
« Last Edit: 2014-06-12, 03:30:17 by Lord Dane »
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Re: MD Renaissance Faire moving to a new venue?
« Reply #47 on: 2014-06-12, 15:53:15 »
Boy it would be nice if any event was inside 200 miles for me :)

The only exception is VARF at a measly 147 miles.

Time to invent a teleporter! Oh wait, that would be out of period. ;)

Not for the 'Time Traveler' theme weekend.

Or if your a Time Bandit ;)
-"I raise not the sword, but the shield."-Aiden Max