Main > The Round Table

Pater Noster

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Sir Douglas:
And if I understand correctly, that eventually evolved into the modern day Rosary, correct? They added in an Ave Maria after every decade or something like that.


--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2014-03-10, 21:54:25 ---And if I understand correctly, that eventually evolved into the modern day Rosary, correct? They added in an Ave Maria after every decade or something like that.

--- End quote ---

Yes the Pater Noster did evolve in to the modern Rosary.  I think you see more recognizable Rosaries in the Mary Rose finds... but don't quote me on that.

There's a lot more prayers than just Hail Marys and Our Fathers on a modern Rosary.  People kind of do what they want with them, but the 'proper' praying of the rosary is kind of complex.

Mike W.:
I still have enough left-over materials to make two more. If anyone wants one, send me a PM with your address and I'll send you one (free). The first two to PM me will get them.

Sir Wolf:
very cool man. very cool

Don Jorge:
What time periods would these be applicable for?


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