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I Want to be an 11th century Norman Knight

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Don Jorge:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-02-10, 20:52:27 ---
Wow, that sounds pretty complete already. I think you might want to post some pictures before the forum crowd gets ugly. ;)

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THIS...where are my dang on pictures!

Mike W.:

--- Quote from: Belemrys on 2014-02-10, 21:46:44 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-02-10, 20:52:27 ---
Wow, that sounds pretty complete already. I think you might want to post some pictures before the forum crowd gets ugly. ;)

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THIS...where are my dang on pictures!

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I don't have pics cause I don't have the kit yet! I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything before crossing stuff off the shopping list.

Mike W.:
Also, I noticed that helms in the bayeux tapestry are depicted in multiple colors, where as the maille is depicted in grey, thus leading me to believe that helms were painted. Anyone have any thoughts?

They probably were painted or decorated in someway, there's decent amount of artistic evidence.  Here's a manuscript from the very early 12th century (1109-1111).  Although here the maille is all different colors too, but not quite as distinct as the helmets.


Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: wilburnicus on 2014-02-10, 21:07:07 ---When my next paycheck comes in on friday, I think I'll get started buying some of the soft kit. I want to hold out before I get hard kit items just to make sure I'm getting the right stuff.

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Yeah, that's a good way to go. It's always best to get what goes under your armor before getting the armor itself. That helps ensure that everything fits properly, since measurement for armor are usually taken over your arming garments.

--- Quote from: wilburnicus on 2014-02-10, 21:54:41 ---Also, I noticed that helms in the bayeux tapestry are depicted in multiple colors, where as the maille is depicted in grey, thus leading me to believe that helms were painted. Anyone have any thoughts?

--- End quote ---

Painted helms was definitely not unusual during the run of the medieval period. Whether or not that practice ran as far back as the Norman Conquest, though, I can't say for sure.


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