Lord Rodney...lol - is it weird that I "heard" the voice as I read that?
I'm not quite at the threshold but I'm walking up to the door...thanks for the bit about the shield (and all the rest) Sir Ian. Would it be safe to say that there were no heaters in the Holy Land? That'll just mean I'll need a new shield for my Templar persona and will need to repaint the old one into something more appropriate. I do like that Dargen helm...well, the only one I've ever seen is the one done by Royal Oak Armoury; I'm assuming it is up to LH snuff?
Douglas, hard to tell whether those are supposed to be ailettes or not...I'd say no, only because they were heraldic in purpose so it wouldn't make sense to represent the backs of them, you know what I mean? Also, is it artistic license or was Trumpington's helm really big enough to almost encase his shoulders in it as well?
Thanks for all the good stuff guys, I'm stoked! I'm hoping to debut this project at MDRF; I don't think I'll be able to get it all together in time for VARF. Would love to, but I don't know...
And I just thought of something else; is there any evidence of blackened or darkened armor (other than rust) recorded during this period shortly before the 14th? I'd hate to go thru the trouble only to find its a 'mafia' thing.

Oh and...do any of you have a suggestion as to which sword or sword type I should get?