"Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared."
                -- Eddie Rickenbacker

Author Topic: Armor recommendations??  (Read 29256 times)

Sir Nate

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Re: Armor recommendations??
« Reply #60 on: 2014-02-01, 14:58:18 »
Just had a hot idea....I seen a chainmail BRA for sale on Ebay and hooooo boy, the model who was wearing it....That was a LOT of rings, brothers!!!

Im sure it's not too defensive.
I jus had a thought of a foot soldier, who could afford some maille, and had the black smith make him to put over his chest, so his heart would be safe from arrows.
Nathan Phillip Max
Knight of the Order
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil"