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SCA Mercenary Company Nevermore

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Sir Rodney:
Our new motto for 2014: “Not Dead Yet”.  We recently held our 12th (?) annual non-garb gathering dubbed “The Feast of Bastards”.  I’ve been fighting alongside these guys and gals since the early 90’s and wouldn’t have it any other way!   :)

Sir Rodney:
Not an SCA Knight in the bunch, but we do host 5 SCA Award of Arms, 4 Eagle Scouts, 3 Scout Masters, 3 teachers and one Police Sergeant in the group.   :)

Sir Douglas:
Nice setup! I assume those are the coats of arms of all the group's members hanging on the wall there.

Don Jorge:
I am new to the SCA but have found great camaraderie and a welcoming environment for myself and my wife. People who don't really know you, trust you and share all that they have with you. Last night I got invited to armor night and had a great time using all types of fancy armorsmithing tools...and the owner of the home was so welcoming and helpful.

I can't wait to join a household and find a place to call mine :)

Kinda makes me not want to leave the US and do ministry abroad with the wife...staying here and investing in the SCA community is very appealing..

Sir William:
Seems like garb was perhaps the only thing you all were missing, Lord Rodney.  I look forward to this Saturday where a number of us will be doing the same thing, more or less.


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