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Author Topic: Should I stop Fencing?  (Read 6162 times)

Sir Nate

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Should I stop Fencing?
« on: 2013-11-13, 21:27:56 »
Ive been thinking for the past month I should stop fencing.
I just not into it anymore, I don't have any charisma. Nothing push's me to continue with it.  Besides I wish to do things like hema and such.
It's not enjoyable anymore, I want to stop before it will be unfair to the people around me that pay for it to know I don't enjoy it anymore and want to call it a quits.
Nathan Phillip Max
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Re: Should I stop Fencing?
« Reply #1 on: 2013-11-13, 21:58:11 »
Do what makes you happy. just don't get rid of your stuff quite just yet if you plan on that, things tend to cycle in my interests and that might happen to you. 

+ you want to do hema , real fencing  ;D   if at all you can at least teach sport fencing to people if you don't want to give it up entirely.

my 2 cents.

Sir Nate

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Re: Should I stop Fencing?
« Reply #2 on: 2013-11-13, 23:32:27 »
Oh I don't teach. But I see where u are coming from.
Let me add more to my first statement. To continue more in fencing I need to buy new standard gear and electric. Why spend the money on something I don't want to do then feel guilty afterwards.
Perhaps I should just give it a rest until further years come to pass
Nathan Phillip Max
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Re: Should I stop Fencing?
« Reply #3 on: 2013-11-13, 23:50:34 »
Keep your gear. Many of my fellow students of HEMA started off in sport fencing. Our instructor Larry Tom did sport fencing for a dozen years before taking up historical fencing. He converted many of his guards and blades for use in HEMA. - We study six different weapons: Longsword, French small sword, Rapier, Duelling Epee, Italian duelling sabre and I.33 in January. :)
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Re: Should I stop Fencing?
« Reply #4 on: 2013-11-13, 23:59:43 »
Aye, if your heart's not in it, then just stop. Otherwise, you'll be forcing yourself to do something you really don't enjoy, burn out, and you'll just end up making yourself miserable. You're young, so you have plenty of time to get back into it should you decide to take it up again. :)

But yes, I also would suggest not getting rid of your gear if you don't have to.
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