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Heraldry change

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Gareyth on 2013-10-05, 03:34:10 ---Your discussion reminds me of a question I had when first purveying your site: are heraldries chosen done so with restrictions - i.e., historically accurate, linked to family name, etc., or is artistic license/creativity also allowed?

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As long as it is somewhat different from other members heraldry, there's no written restrictions on it as far as lineage or historical necessity. Some examples are the ankh and bonnacon. Mine is loosely based on heraldry that could be in my family tree, but I've not sought to prove it is. Heraldry should very much be a personal expression of self. Here's mine: and some historical heraldry of others with my surname:

Sir Edward:
Yep, what James said. We highly encourage using some creativity-- After a while, many can start looking the same because certain design ideas are so popular, but heraldry affords some very creative possibilities, especially when looking at the geometric divisions, sections, and the like.

No familial lineage is necessary. In fact, I'd prefer to keep historical designs out (unless you have a direct, actual claim to it), to avoid conflict with any actual family usage today. Having said that, it's possible you might invent something from scratch, and by coincidence it's one that was used historically. I'm not too concerned about this. In the end, it's really up to you.

We don't require them to strictly adhere to the historical rules of heraldry, but strongly encourage people to stick to them, or only fudge it in ways that make sense. A good rule of thumb to use is whether or not it would pass in the SCA. I registered mine there, just as a precaution to make sure that most of the historical community that cares about such things won't end up using the same thing.

For most members, what I've done is taken the image that they provided, and redrew some or all of it into a template from the Inkwell's coat-of-arms designer program, so they're consistent on the website.

Sir Jason Simonds:

I have decided on my new Heraldry, Design is complete, now I just have to get the Blazon put together. Also I am working on my new Tabard that will reflect my new Heraldry. One step and a time. Thou doubtful I will have it completed before final weekend of MDRF. So looks like it may not make its debut til next year.

Sir Wolf:

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Jason on 2013-10-08, 01:12:43 ---Update:

I have decided on my new Heraldry, Design is complete, now I just have to get the Blazon put together. Also I am working on my new Tabard that will reflect my new Heraldry. One step and a time. Thou doubtful I will have it completed before final weekend of MDRF. So looks like it may not make its debut til next year.

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Where's the pictures of the final design?? :)


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