Main > The Round Table

Heraldry change

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Sir Jason Simonds:
Sir James, I have tried that program several times but never got it to function properly.

Sir Edward:

Blazon95 is another alternative. It's not nearly as nice in many ways, except that it can handle "sections" that are not just straight edges, such as embattled and wavy, which the Inkwells program can't do:

Lord Dane:
Greetings Sir Jason. :)

Sir Jason Simonds:
OK, I have a rough sketch put together. Now to make it into a digital form so I can put it online.

Sir Martyn:
Your discussion reminds me of a question I had when first purveying your site: are heraldries chosen done so with restrictions - i.e., historically accurate, linked to family name, etc., or is artistic license/creativity also allowed?


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