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Author Topic: Grip for a misericorde (mercy spike)  (Read 5487 times)

Sir Vander Linde

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Grip for a misericorde (mercy spike)
« on: 2013-09-05, 17:00:28 »
So I'm making a few misericorde(s). but lack the ability (as usual) to come up with or find a good grip(style) for these things.  Any suggestions or ideas would be most helpful. I noticed that many people call other daggers misericordes that are not, from my understanding it is a dedicated tool which is the case in these projects.  I have one already started : blade shaped chiseled-engraved and a antiqued finish put on  it giving the blade a dark grey and the engraving a new steel look. the grip on this one will have a block to keep the hand sliding up, the grip will have a prayer carved in to it, and the ends of the scales will be like a trefoil or French lily. (scabbard is still in plan faze) 
I try not to make them look the same which is why I have problems with this stuff. So any historical refs or ideas guys.  :D

Sir Edward

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Re: Grip for a misericorde (mercy spike)
« Reply #1 on: 2013-09-05, 18:43:10 »

It sounds great, I look forward to seeing how this project turns out. I don't have any references handy. But since it's essentially a special-purpose dagger, it probably still falls within the realm of how a dagger would be gripped.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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