Main > The Round Table

The Evolution of Man through the Ages

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Sir Wolf:
man needs more banhammer. hit stupid people in the head

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-07-26, 16:16:41 ---man needs more banhammer. hit stupid people in the head

--- End quote ---

Stupid people will continue to do stupid things with no understanding ...
Those claiming to be smarter will also do stupid things but with intention whether good-natured or with premeditation and maliciousness ...

Stupidity is in human nature and it will not correct itself through banhammer strikes to the head. We are predisposed to stupidity as our fallibility shows itself everyday in our misguided actions and failures to correct improper behavior that can result in harmful action.

But until we can overcome our need to banhammer each other, I guess we are going keep being stupid. At least mankind can say they are consistent in this aspect.

Sir Nate:
Most modern men don't hold that way of honor and truth, everyman has chivalry in him, but when they kill each other with unmanned planes and weapons by the tens, there is no good. No truth, Men of the past were more evolved. they didn't need one man to announce to the world that what happens is wrong. every day of living they could respect the horrors of killing and being killed, and that there is no joke of it. technology means nothing to man's true greatness.


--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2013-08-19, 23:51:06 ---...but when they kill each other with unmanned planes and weapons by the tens, there is no good.

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I don't think Medieval Man was more evolved than us.  I think if they had access to the war machines we have now, they would have used them too.  In fact, as new technology became available, they didn't turn it away out of some great sense of chivalry, they used it to kill each other with greater efficiency.  I just think mankind is what it is, and to tell ourselves differently is a lie.  Individuals make the choice to live an honorable life, and that is their choice to make.  And as a person who's job it is to fly one of those war machines, I have no reservations about whether or not I can find honor in my profession.  I just think the technology is irrelevant.  The man inside the armor, or the man inside the helicopter are the same man.  One is not more evolved than the other.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-08-20, 00:17:15 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2013-08-19, 23:51:06 ---...but when they kill each other with unmanned planes and weapons by the tens, there is no good.

--- End quote ---

I don't think Medieval Man was more evolved than us.  I think if they had access to the war machines we have now, they would have used them too.  In fact, as new technology became available, they didn't turn it away out of some great sense of chivalry, they used it to kill each other with greater efficiency.  I just think mankind is what it is, and to tell ourselves differently is a lie.  Individuals make the choice to live an honorable life, and that is their choice to make.  And as a person who's job it is to fly one of those war machines, I have no reservations about whether or not I can find honor in my profession.  I just think the technology is irrelevant.  The man inside the armor, or the man inside the helicopter are the same man.  One is not more evolved than the other.

--- End quote ---

I agree, Sir Ian. There are of course great debates on how well knights actually upheld chivalry, and the overall behavior (and honor) of the nobility and royalty. People are people, and in many ways we haven't changed much over the last thousand years, other than cultural variances.

But looking at Chivalry and Honor, these things were probably held in high regard, because they had to. In a time when there was less medical technology, less forensic and justice methodology, more dependence on having a good harvest and an easy winter, people were more interdependent in general. Modern technology and culture allow us to live slightly more in a vacuum. :)


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