Not a bad combo! An 1860 Colt Army with what appears to be an "improved Henry" model 1866 Winchester "Yellowboy"
one of my all-time favorite rifles by the way. Also, if you were to "upgrade" your Colt into a cartridge conversion, the most prolific round for it was the .44 Henry. The 1860 Colt, Yellowboy and Open Top revolvers were some of the first to have a matched round for hand gun and rifle.
I truly wish we lived a bit closer to each other Sir Wolf! Nice set!
I also have to wonder, in that your portrayal down to the square-toed boots, proper mexican double loop holster placed reverse on the left hip, suspenders, proper pants, shirt, and even hat for the Transitional Period (1865-1876) if you are a member of the National Congress of Old West Shooters? if you are, than Huzzah to a fellow member, and if you aren't, take a look at them. You'd fit right in, and even qualify for the vaulted position of an "original" too I'd wager.
keep yer top not!
Willy Dixon - SASS/GAF/NCOWS