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Author Topic: New maille coif by Erik D Schmid  (Read 12176 times)

Sir Ulrich

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Re: New maille coif by Erik D Schmid
« Reply #15 on: 2013-06-09, 22:09:17 »
Nice, I was looking at that guys stuff earlier, I was thinking of getting a coat of plates off of him possibly.

Sir William

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Re: New maille coif by Erik D Schmid
« Reply #16 on: 2013-06-11, 17:28:23 »
Dane, did you have him put in the perf-plate for the eyes?  Been lookin at that very one myself.  It wouldn't pass muster for the period police (its sized to be worn by itself, unlike the original which was built to be worn over a helm and maille coif), but it is a solid helm by a respected armorer.  I have a coat of plates and matching gorget that I picked up a few months back, solid and well built.
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Re: New maille coif by Erik D Schmid
« Reply #17 on: 2013-06-11, 19:49:52 »
No. I left those out to make it more authentic & be worn with a rivoted maille coif as opposed to aventail & bascinet.
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