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2 great sites to check out

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B. Patricius:
Fair enough Sir William.

A brief synopsis of Napoleon, he had a definite inferiority complex I believe.  He was about 5'2" tall.  He decided to bring France back into history and on the map and to take over the world. 

In a nutshell, he fought on two fronts and got rocked in both.  Hitler could have learned a few things from Napoleon.  He got his butt kicked in Russia, in a way that Hitler should have learned from it.  Basically the home-field advantage of Russia and her mother winter.   And then there was Admiral Nelson of the British Empire who beat his butt on the western front, but it was a hard fought battle.  "Master and Commander" is part of "Nelson's Navy" era, which is the Napoleonic wars. 

It's just my favorite Naval history is all, and it is one of the few recent times that France made a name for herself.  I know a man, who visited France, and they were complaining because "there's another American" visiting.  He replied, "the last time I visited, I came by parachute and you welcomed me in open arms."

Sir William:
HA!  That's a good one...the bit about the parachute.  Well played by your friend.

I was under the impression that Napoleon wasn't a complete pushover; I should've figured the height reference, if for no other reason than I know people with a Napoleonic complex.  lol

B. Patricius:
Make no mistake, Napoleon did make a good run of it, and definitely gave France a symbol of pride for a while.  Pretty much, in the modern/post-modern era, he's the only Frenchman I know of to have a backbone.

But, back to the OT, I gotta say, some of the Frenchies definitely know how to reenact and do experimental archaeology!  Some of the sites I've seen are just gorgeous


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