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2 great sites to check out

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Sir Wolf:
normandy/brittenny are not france lol they were the two most wealthy areas "dukedoms" and were left along by the rest of france in order that they did not take over france themselves. lol

i didnt know those two websites were french cause they worked, unlike the other ones earlier in the month.

french soldiers get a really bad rap lol even by me. in ww1 they were great soldiers.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-05-21, 13:33:44 ---Sir William is correct. The Normans for instance IIRCC started off as Vikings – And not those freaky ones that wore the horns on their helms. ;)

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Freaky, historically correct.... tomato, tomatoe :)


--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-05-20, 22:25:22 ---FRENCH!!!!  >:( GRRRRRRRR!!! Get me a mace. I want to smash something!!!! If no Frenchies around, I'll settle for an arrogant Canadian. :P

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OUCH! ...I mean, I assume you are speaking about francophones in eastern Canada when you say that  :). Other wise the rest of us Canucks don't know the meaning of the word arrogant  ;)

B. Patricius:
Corvus, I was hoping you had replied!  ;D

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-05-21, 13:16:21 ---The French weren't always the apologetic fops their descendants have become.  ;)  They should be more like Charlemagne and less like...well, pick one, whoever it is has to be French or Frankish and won't stack up in any case.

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well, you kind of baited this one... what about Napoleon?   ;D He certainly couldn't stack up!!! Sorry, I played too much naval reenactment for too long!  Proud Quartermaster of his majesties navy, the only thing between Napoleon and God knows what the hell he wanted, oh.. and Russia... yeah, I hear they have a mean winter over there! ;)

Sir William:

You're gonna make me go look up Napoleon, aren't you?  I confess to not having any interest in martial history after the introduction of firearms into Western warfare, so I am woefully unprepared for any discourse on anything martial after 1590, give or take.


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