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For those who have not seen this before, might I recommend an excellent, thought provoking article

B. Patricius:
that is a good one Corvus.  I wish I had read that back when I was with the Navy Sea Cadet corps or even when I was in the military.  But, as always, even when we read something again, later in life, it always speaks to us differently.  That to me defines a good speech, dissertation, story, or whatever.  I read Alexander Dumas' unabridged "The Three Musketeers" and Cervantes' "Don Quixote" probably once every two years.  Each time, they speak something differently to me.  Here's a good speech to supplement what you linked.

it spoke to me quite a lot when I was only 14 the first time I heard it.  I think it would benefit today's youth quite a bit if they had this in a freshman or sophomore english or history class.  Preferably in high school, but alas, I doubt it would happen.

*edited because of linky SNAFU

Sir Edward:
I'll have to remember to come back and read these later. For some reason I have a habit of finding links to read late at night. :)

B. Patricius:
Sir Edward,
I know how you feel.  Now, I just let my forums and research become my "read before I go to bed" routine.  Of course, sometimes, I loose track of time and it's daylight out!  :o


--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-04-19, 02:32:22 ---that is a good one Corvus.  I wish I had read that back when I was with the Navy Sea Cadet corps or even when I was in the military.  But, as always, even when we read something again, later in life, it always speaks to us differently.  That to me defines a good speech, dissertation, story, or whatever.  I read Alexander Dumas' unabridged "The Three Musketeers" and Cervantes' "Don Quixote" probably once every two years.  Each time, they speak something differently to me.  Here's a good speech to supplement what you linked.

it spoke to me quite a lot when I was only 14 the first time I heard it.  I think it would benefit today's youth quite a bit if they had this in a freshman or sophomore english or history class.  Preferably in high school, but alas, I doubt it would happen.

*edited because of linky SNAFU

--- End quote ---

Very interesting read. Thanks


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