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Warrior Codes

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Joshua Santana:
The first article is well written and makes very good points that are applicable to today Warrior Ethos.

The second article is a piece of History that no academic or "historian" can never erase from the records that the idea that the modern world abandoned the ideals of Chivalry is entirely false.  Thank you both Corvus and B. Patricius for sharing these articles!

I believe that Chivalry is still alive, albeit in small gatherings such as this one, and in the hearts of a more than a few who simply live it. It is my hope that it will grow - especially in these turbulent times we live in - because the world could certainly use it right now.

B. Patricius:
I can personally attest that within the military community, and any and all who serve, be it clergy of any religion, first responders, SOCOM, etc... Chivalry is alive and well.  How do you think I found this forum?  :)

 But I also firmly believe, those with chivalric values, don't go seeking attention.  We're just "doing our job" with "no regrets."

As a dear friend of mine, family, a brother in more ways than blood could ever replace

and this

Chivalry is alive and well

just look at the heroes of Boston, Colorado, Virginia, the list can go on and on

and regardless of what anyone will say, President Bush, is MY President, my mentor, my friend.  And it is my honor to say so, and be able to say so, so publicly like here, in this group of fellow Chivalric men, regardless of age, past, ethnic origins, or even country.  It's an honor to be here.

Sir Edward:

Chivalry is very much alive, but mostly amongst people who don't call it that. With humility, I think a great deal of people simply want to do what is right, or considerate, or helpful.

As a recent example, there were many civilians (not just "first responders") who ran toward the danger during the Boston bombings this week. A selfless desire to aid others is still out there.

It's easy to assume that good and proper values have fallen by the wayside, but I think under the right conditions, we see good triumph, and people rise to the situation.

What is more rare, I think, are people who really think about this in advance, and make a conscious effort to be better people, one day at a time.

B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-04-19, 19:40:26 ---What is more rare, I think, are people who really think about this in advance, and make a conscious effort to be better people, one day at a time.

--- End quote ---

that is a very good point Sir Edward.  :)  I always stick to what one of my teachers taught me as a kid "it only takes a small spark, to drown out the darkness."  He said this, in a pitch black room, and sparked a flint.


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