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Author Topic: An important safety reminder regarding jewelry, including wedding rings  (Read 13613 times)

Sir James A

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It can cause very bad injuries. Best to take off ALL jewelry, including rings, before any combat! Even just training.

Horrible, nasty, picture, of what can happen if you keep your ring on. So click at your own risk! I'm making it a link so it won't show up inline, because it's pretty graphic...


NOTE: NO, this is not me. It was posted on FB by someone else as a reminder of the potential of rings to mess you up during training. So PLEASE play safe!
Knight, Order of the Marshal
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de-gloving one's finger is a navy past-time!
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Whats the story behind that?!  ???
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Lord Dane

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uhhhhhh YUCK!! and OUCH!!!  :o
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Sir Brian

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Yep, I always leave my wedding band off before going off to sword practice!
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[img width=100 height=100]
<a href="http://s221.photobucket.com/user/Tah908/media/LP_Medals_zpsq7zzdvve.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i221.photobucket.


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Whats the story behind that?!  ???

I don't know the story behind that picture specifically, but it used to be a fairly common occurrence in the Navy when people work on machinery with jewelry on.  Once that ring gets stuck on a moving part, the machine wins.  The other ways I've heard of it happening are falling down a ladder-well or something similar on a ship, and when you reach up to grab on to a ledge and prevent your fall, the ring will typically catch on said ledge, and de-glove your finger.

Around ships and aircraft you'll often see signs telling you to remove jewelry first, complete with such wonderful photos.
« Last Edit: 2013-04-17, 23:40:33 by Ian »
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James, can you say OUCH!?

That must have hurt like the Dickens!!!!!!
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Sir Wolf

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youch. much like my cousin who was welding and had a piece go down his glove and under his ring. YOUCH

Sir James A

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Whats the story behind that?!  ???


It was posted on FB by someone else as a reminder of the potential of rings to mess you up during training.

James, can you say OUCH!?

That must have hurt like the Dickens!!!!!!

Luckily (for me), it wasn't me! If it was, I definitely wouldn't be posting any time soon. :)

Just a public service announcement!
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Sir Gerard de Rodes

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Jeez, that's horrific. I always remove all rings before combat anyway, a habit passed over from my work.
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Guy over the weekend took a rather large shot to the hands. Told him of degloving & his wife told him she;s rather him lose his wedding ring than his finger.
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Sir Edward

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I often leave my ring on... but I'm reconsidering now.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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B. Patricius

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Sir Edward,
I would reconsider if I were you.  In the Coast Guard, we had those same pictures posted everywhere in shops just like the Navy.  I know exactly what Ian is talking about.  One of my friends lost his whole finger because of his graduation ring getting caught.  Needless to say, that was something I learned from other people's mistakes rather than learning myself.

My father, who worked as a constructional ironworker has never worn his wedding ring.  He keeps it in a chest.  He told me once when I asked him about it, "It's just a ring, symbolizing my marriage.  I'm married, I love your mother, and I don't need a ring to remind me of my oath.  My fingers, well, they do come in handy." 

Two of the people I know here locally in the SCA have their wedding bands tattooed on their fingers.  That's a cool safe way of doing it too.
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Joshua Santana

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Ouch, ouch and nasty!  Will take this as a warning.

My father, who worked as a constructional ironworker has never worn his wedding ring.  He keeps it in a chest.  He told me once when I asked him about it, "It's just a ring, symbolizing my marriage.  I'm married, I love your mother, and I don't need a ring to remind me of my oath.  My fingers, well, they do come in handy." 

Ha, you reminded me of my dad who never wore a wedding band but is still married to my mother, I like your father's response, that is what my dad would likely tell me."
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