Sorry, if I offended anyone with the "SCA on the AA forums" bit. That wasn't my intent. I just meant to say that the SCAdians that are on that forum do seem to be the best of what the SCA has to offer in terms of historical accuracy. Just looking through threads like "I wanna be a 12th cent. Scot" is a great example of that.
They're trying to fix the "generi-celtings" as I like to call them

and indeed I know plenty myself that call themselves "Pict/Scot/Briton" (which is fine), that wear kilts, not even great kilts mind you, with steel greeves, hockey goalie looking steel helmets, and spanish peascod breastplates not hidden, and a heater shield. The only thing accurate on his kit is the blue woad paint, but then I doubt the designs he does it in are...
I just meant that of the SCA members on that forum, they seem to be the ones who care about archaeology and history, not "whatever suits their fancy" and are a good group. I've been a member of those boards for a year now. Indeed, it was those very boards and two members of it, that convinced me to try the SCA again after three years of being absent. Before them, I was just doing medieval stuff on my own because I take pleasure in building things and creating things just for the sake of creating them as well.
Sorry again, didn't mean any offense to all those members of the AA that have nothing to do with the SCA. Just the opposite. I merely meant the SCAdians on there seem to be a historically orientated group (as a whole, I know there are some that aren't), which is probably because of the members on that board that
aren't SCA.
*back to OT, any news on more information on that Codex? I'm very interested as I'm trying to figure out heater and kite with sword myself.