The Knightly Order of the Fiat Lux- A Fraternal Order of Knights dedicated to supporting the concepts of Modern Chivalry through Historical Education, Charity Works/Donations, and Martial Training (Live Steel, Rattan, and or Boffer). We also have a Pages Program for the children of our members along with the Ladies of the Court comprising of those significant others to our members.
Dagorhir Battle Games (Narnia Unit)- A Boffer style combat game where historical combat meets middle earth. Narnia itself is styled after the fantastical creatures of that wonderous lands. I am Sir Tobias of Narnia there (a fanciful, and damn good looking faun{yes i have furry legs and horns, the ladies love it})
Society for Creative Anachronism- Although not officially a member I do attend several events a year.
Living History Assoc.- An association of historical reenactors which supplys support and supplimental insurance for its members. Medieval Reenactment, and WW2 Airsoft Reenactment