Main > The Armoury

Here is the Sword that was Broken and is forged again!

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-03-29, 14:25:37 ---Since they had to re-wrap the jute cord when they replaced the blade, methinks I should add a protective wrap around the grip and here is what I came up with and I cannot believe I didn't think of this before! I got it on sale too and in my 'colors'  ;D

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I sense a bit of "You got BLUE all over my gambeson last year. THIS year, prepare for the green-n-yellow!" ;)

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-03-29, 14:59:54 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-03-29, 14:25:37 ---Since they had to re-wrap the jute cord when they replaced the blade, methinks I should add a protective wrap around the grip and here is what I came up with and I cannot believe I didn't think of this before! I got it on sale too and in my 'colors'  ;D

--- End quote ---

I sense a bit of "You got BLUE all over my gambeson last year. THIS year, prepare for the green-n-yellow!" ;)

--- End quote ---

Only colors I see forthcoming are Black- n- Blue. (No. Not you, Sir William) :)

Sir William:
You calling me a bruise, Dane?  lol

The blue on the gambeson has to do with Sir Edward leaving his sword's blue tape all over Sir Brian's nice custom gear iirc.

Sir Brian:
You recall correctly Sir William, a fact that I will counter this year with my own GREEN tape upon my blade!

Fight graffiti with graffiti says I!  ;)

Sir William:
I have a feeling I'm gonna have blue and green all over my surcoat this year.  I need to wear something over my CoP - blue and green would mesh well with the brown leather but I doubt you'd be so kind as to keep your strikes so that the marks would be geometric and hence, somewhat fashionable?  lol


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