Main > The Armoury

Here is the Sword that was Broken and is forged again!

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Sir Wolf:
ahhaha sweet

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-03-28, 20:12:34 ---
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-03-28, 19:24:42 ---Huzzah! Let's see if we can break it at VARF this year. Damaged or broken swords are a real crowd pleaser!
--- End quote ---

 :o :o :o WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!  :o :o :o
Are you trying to provoke the goddess Fortuna? - Quickly now you must appease her by giving
away all your armor to your friends as a gesture of your generosity and sincere penance!  :P

Oh and I call dibs on the MT pieces!  8)

--- End quote ---

Asking what is wrong with me is a question that could span many many threads. :D Though a lot of it probably revolves around armor indeed.

Lord Dane:
The sword of the King has been remade. Good. I'll inform Gondor that the King has returned. :)

Sir Edward:

Alright! Time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and we're all out of gum.

Sir Brian:
Since they had to re-wrap the jute cord when they replaced the blade, methinks I should add a protective wrap around the grip and here is what I came up with and I cannot believe I didn't think of this before! I got it on sale too and in my 'colors'  ;D


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