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the red knight

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Sir William:
The author is a fellow student of the sword, and all things medieval.  Here's a pic of him in harness (he's also a fan of Albion swords but who isn't, aside from Tom Kinder, right?).

For some odd reason, it would not display for me so I linked it instead.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-03-12, 21:01:44 ---The author is a fellow student of the sword, and all things medieval.  Here's a pic of him in harness (he's also a fan of Albion swords but who isn't, aside from Tom Kinder, right?).

For some odd reason, it would not display for me so I linked it instead.

--- End quote ---

Adding photo as attachment.

Nice harness!

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---The author is a fellow student of the sword, and all things medieval.
--- End quote ---

Even better.  I do think I recognize the author from the picture. 

Sir James A:
And Jiri Klipac (Klepac?) gauntlets!

Sir William:
Yup; and I just got a note from him- the second book, Fell Sword, is already out to the editor, should be available sometime in November.  If you have not yet read this book- do so!

This is one of those books that, if they got it right, would explode onto the movie screens and probably win some awards.


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