Main > The Round Table

The Knighting of Sir John

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Sir William:
You've put a lot of work and thought into this Sir John...I too look forward to the event.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Sir William,

You have NO idea what I have planned. As I said before, I do everything 110%. I believe it will be a most memorable event.

Sir John

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Sir John,
May I commend you on a very thorough and complete version of the ceremony....I too use most of this ceremony, only really omitting the stuff relevant to the SCA fraternity.

 A "Buffet" to the cheek would be fine as long as the noble issuing it isn`t wearing a metal gauntlet lol  ;)

We had loads of fun filming my knighting ceremony, running through it a couple of times is always more fun for the person giving the buffet  ;D ;D.

I`m sure it will all go very well. As with all of the ceremonies across the pond, I will be there in spirit my brother.


Lord Dane:
Here's drinking to that, Lord Gerard. :) Cheers to Sir John. And one for the road....

Sir Wolf:
Man so much detail. Good on ya man.


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