Main > The Round Table

The Knighting of Sir John

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Joshua Santana:
Sir John yoy still continue to inspire me.  Many thanks and congratulations!  By the way, no eulogy will be needed as i say do a face buffet (cheeks preferred).

Sir Brian:
Most impressive John! I'm looking forward to being a part of your ceremony! :)

Sir Edward:

So far we've only done a couple of buffets, and they've been more of a shoulder-shove than anything else.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Thank you I said before, I didn't join this group to sit back and do nothing. Once my knighting is over, I will probably edit it and can put it online if you wish. I'm new to this dvd camera that I bought, but its so small. By the way...who volunteers to take the video and digital pictures at my knighting?

I am, with great respect, your most obedient servant

Sir John

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-02-11, 22:40:00 ---Thank you I said before, I didn't join this group to sit back and do nothing. Once my knighting is over, I will probably edit it and can put it online if you wish. I'm new to this dvd camera that I bought, but its so small. By the way...who volunteers to take the video and digital pictures at my knighting?

I am, with great respect, your most obedient servant

Sir John

--- End quote ---

We'll have somebody around to help with that.


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