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Armored or Not- what makes you a Knight?

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Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-02-01, 21:37:45 ---It certainly goes beyond the armor you wear, of course. Though as a practical suggestion-- I'd consider getting the new stuff first, and let go of the old stuff as you go, so you're never forced to be "naked". :)

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I say let go of the personal materialism & embrace selflessness above all. Being knightly certainly entails more virtue than one's tin-can & armory (although I consider it to be an essential component but that's just me).  ;) 

Joshua Santana:
I know this is late but after reading this I think I have a mind to respond to this discussion.

What makes me a Knight is three things:

1.  Living by a Warrior Code of Moral Principles and Virtues that makes me stand out in spite of appearances (with or without armor)

2.  Being set apart from the rest of a society in which it willingly degrades and disregards Morality including the notion of Honor (save those that recognize it and respect it).

3.  Even with no armor or sword, being a Knight does not mean having the equipment and showing it off as though you were a soldier heavily decorated for service in a combat mission.  Rather being a Knight is a choice to live with Moral Integrity and Honor in your daily life and showing your Chivalry by deeds rather than words.

In my mind I would like to draw a line on the ground and ask myself if I had all the armor in the world I could ever want do I do that sword and shield justice, do I present myself in a manner comparable to that of Sir Marshal and what those articles would have stood for for him? If so then I am truly being knightly, however if I am not upholding the code than I am but a man in shiny metal. Consider what was spoken by the son of King Edward in one of my favorite films A Knights Tale to "Sir Ulric" before he was truly knighted, and I think that would be applicable to this topic.

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-02-01, 20:22:15 ---I was toying with the idea of getting rid of all of my current collection of armor and starting from scratch; then I segued into thinking about whether or not my armor makes me credible, or if by wearing it, I give credence to the armor?

Does armor make one a knight?  No, doesn't- although it can make you feel knightly; it certainly did for me before I took the oath of knighthood myself...then getting inducted into the Order further solidified it for me, but what about all those who are termed cos-players?  I'm sure a good number of them feed into it and believe themselves to be...what's your take on it?

Let's discuss.

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Sir James A:
Well said, RackThor. As historically inaccurate as A Knights Tale is, for entertainment and intent of the story, it's one of my favorite movies. I know that scene well.

Sir William:
As do we all, I think.  That's a true sentiment, nevermind when or who delivered it.


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