Day 's 11-20) It's been a week and more since I last posted on this. I've not been very OK. I've been lower than a snakes belly really.
11) I'm grateful for counselors who get where you come from.
12) I'm grateful for Nissan, without whom I would not have a truck that never fails.
13) I'm grateful for good food at cool places, even if I cannot afford to enjoy it now.
14) I'm grateful for RPG's so that I might escape the world into my head for a few hours.
15) I'm grateful for sweet's that bring a moment of joy into your life.
16) I'm grateful for movies so that I can leave the world behind for a while.
17) I'm grateful for women. Wonderful, crazy, complex, beautiful women. Someday I'll find one crazy, understanding, & stubborn enough to stay. Probably she'll give me no choice in the matter.

18) I'm grateful for the men and women who take the field in armoured combat against me. I'm also grateful for the martial arts without which I would have been lost long ago.
19) Finally, to catch up, I'm grateful for Love. Without it life would nor be worth living, and a poor Aspie like me would never truly connect with another human.
20)Today, however I'm grateful for large amounts of willpower aka pure stubborn cussed determination.
With it I've kept at college, not given up on friends, beaten addiction, survived winter as a courier, not killed my brothers <wink>, kept fighting at tourney long after I should have quit, pushed through being locked up, and stayed alive when all around me said die.