Newest acquisition was "right place, right time". I picked up a peascod cuirass that Allan of MercTailor made for a customer, who ended up selling it. I saw it said the "last of the peascods", but didn't realize, it was actually the only one Allan ever made. I was happy just to get a peascod since I can use that to push my harness forwards by wearing it instead of the faulds & tassets earlier style.
As a bonus, the mobility is a bit better than my other cuirass since this one has gussets and is closer to my measurements - of course, *both* of them were armor that I bought made for someone else, and I am positive that if Allan had made it directly for me that it would have no issues.
Sorry for the terrible "cell phone in the mirror" picture. I was going to post good pics of it with the rest of my harness for Halloween, but the parade was rained out so I didn't harness up or do anything...