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Author Topic: Wedge riveted vs Dome riveted maille.  (Read 31777 times)


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Re: Wedge riveted vs Dome riveted maille.
« Reply #30 on: 2012-10-22, 21:40:01 »
Yeah, I know you were having weight issues with the 8/9 mm. The 6 mm will kill you.
If you want to maintain the ability to function in your armour, stick with the bigger ring. No reason to make things harder on yourself when you're still just getting used to it. 
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Sir Ulrich

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Re: Wedge riveted vs Dome riveted maille.
« Reply #31 on: 2012-10-22, 22:10:43 »
I just want my stuff to match but meh the coif looks nice enough, maybe I will just go with wedge riveted 9MM instead, the head is more vital so it makes sense to make the rings smaller, I have seen hauberks with smaller rings in the more vital spots so it still can be period to have a smaller ringed coif.

Well in all honesty I could just line the maille I currently got with fabric and that would make it softer on the inside and easier to put on and off, I could do this while tailoring the sleeves and whatnot. That would solve the issue and make it softer. Just need some assistance on doing it. Only problem I really can think of with that would be cleaning off the rust.

Sir William

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Re: Wedge riveted vs Dome riveted maille.
« Reply #32 on: 2012-10-23, 14:06:19 »
Or a thin leather vest under the hauberk but over your gambeson might go a long way to protecting that garment.
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