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Author Topic: Packing checklist for camping/overnight events  (Read 19206 times)

Sir James A

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Re: Packing checklist for camping/overnight events
« Reply #15 on: 2014-10-06, 22:16:04 »
I have greatly considered going on a medieval camping trip sometime. Obviously not all of this stuff will be used. Do you know of alternative stuff that would be used for camping in the wilderness?

I'd skip the furniture, armor and most of the weapons. Other stuff like food, water, first aid, small tent, etc, are pretty standard.
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Sir Ulrich

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Re: Packing checklist for camping/overnight events
« Reply #16 on: 2014-10-06, 23:13:46 »
Soft kit clothes in my chest.
Both pairs of shoes.
Albion Sword.
Both Great helms.
Knee and Elbow Cops.
Possible kettle helm.
Padded legs.
Knife set.
Sleeping bag stuff.
Drinking vessels.
Regular clothing.
Bug repellent.
Pourpoint for chausses.
Arming cap.
Pillow so I dont have to use my gambeson as a pillow.
Leather ties for chausses feet.

Someone correct me if I am missing anything.


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Re: Packing checklist for camping/overnight events
« Reply #17 on: 2014-10-07, 00:34:39 »
I have vaguely thought of doing a LH event like DoK but I lack most of the camping stuff like period tent and furniture. Any equipment-based advice for someone thinking about doing it for the first time?

Sir Douglas

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Re: Packing checklist for camping/overnight events
« Reply #18 on: 2014-10-07, 01:08:47 »
I have vaguely thought of doing a LH event like DoK but I lack most of the camping stuff like period tent and furniture. Any equipment-based advice for someone thinking about doing it for the first time?

This year's DoK will be my first LH event and I'm basically just going with the clothes on my back. I'm sure the minimum requirements differ event-to-event, and I'm sure the experience would be much more enjoyable with an actual encampment, but for DoK at least I'm told you don't really need to start out with all the bells and whistles. I guess I'll find out this weekend.  :)
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Re: Packing checklist for camping/overnight events
« Reply #19 on: 2014-10-07, 13:00:53 »
Scott, you don't even have to camp at an event like DoK.  It's not an immersion event, it's a timeline event.  The difference being that at an immersion event the idea is to literally 'live' history, and be fully immersed in a given time period with all the camping, food, clothing, etc.   Often these are just for the participants and may be private events.

A timeline event on the other hand is specifically geared toward public education.  So there's no requirement to go all in on the encampment side of things.  DoK has a modern camping area for those who want to camp but lack period stuff.  And if you don't want to camp all, there are plenty of people who stay at local accommodations.  All you need to participate is yourself and something to wear.

If your intent is to use a period tent and camp out, the best thing to start with is literally the tent itself.  You can fill it with all the modern accommodations you want to haul out there as long as you keep your tent closed.  I keep my tent closed because I don't have all period storage containers etc.  The period furniture I do have stays on the outside of the tent if I want people to see it, and all my plastic totes and junk like that just stays on the inside.  I'd like to eventually move to a full period encampment but that takes time and money like everything else in this hobby.

So really, to just camp out and get started, all you need is the tent.  Then start building from there.

Now once you start building up that camp to sleep in period style, you'll probably want lots of storage chests and woven baskets to keep things in.  You'll want a rope bed or some variant.  My rope bed is conveniently the perfect size to fit a twin air mattress.  And finally a set of trestle table legs to put boards on, and now you've got all the basics.  Storage, place to sleep, table to put stuff on.  The chests all double as seats too.  Then you can start getting more of the convenience items from there.
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Sir James A

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Re: Packing checklist for camping/overnight events
« Reply #20 on: 2014-10-07, 16:49:33 »
Sir Ian covered it very well.

If you're handy with woodworking, much of the furniture can be made. I made all of mine, including the chests.
Knight, Order of the Marshal
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