Well I thankfully didn’t break my Meyer but I broke my spare steel Hanwei Tinker Pearce blade last night!

It was only Matt Lawrence and me at MASHS practice so we decided to do a little Longsword and then epee dueling. We had dueled for awhile with our aluminum blades when the unimaginable happened, I made a mittelhau at Matt and he went to parry like usual and his Swordcrafts aluminum blade snapped where the tang of the blade started!

I felt really bad for breaking his sword but Matt assured me that if it wasn’t for my efforts over the past year or so he would have retired the sword long ago. Still I felt obligated to provide him at least a loaner for practice and so we could continue dueling so I loaned him my Hanwei Tinker Pearce and we continued. After several more exchanges I made anther mittelhau attack and Matt once more went to parry the attack and my HTP snapped right at the start of the tang!

So last night was a BAD night for swords. Fortunately we didn’t snap our Epee blades!